If only the idea of wanting to become an author had never entered her mind.
If only she'd never met Alex.
That one meeting had caused an avalanche of fate to clash with a dangerous destiny that forced Liz Finely to become the most wanted woman in the world. Stalked by three deadly mafia bosses, Liz has to learn to survive. Passed from one brutal hand to another, tortured, and abused, it's her blood, her name, which lands her in trouble each time.
Now it's up to Liz to find the strength accept and become who she's meant to be, and finally break the chains that bind her.
WHAT THIS BOOK DOES WELL: For someone who just started reading romance I have to say if this is how they go, I am in. Here is the thing you realize early on you have to suspend a certain amount of disbelief to really let the story take you away. I would imagine that goes for most romances but in saying that there is no shortage of little details and intricate authenticities that sells this story and makes it at least feel within the realm of "reality". Sure it's a broad realm but this is not a whimsical fantasy by any stretch of the imagination. This is also super well written, vivid, cinematic, but above all else, most of the characters here are well defined and you get drawn to them quickly. That is such an incredible strength of Kantas' writing especially when it comes to Elizabeth. Liz is the luckiest/unluckiest human character that may have ever been written and in lesser hands, I think you would almost just be done with all that happens. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of times I went "Oh, for fuck's sake" but it stays within the context of the story being told, and because of the way it is written you almost brace yourself like a roller coaster you know is about to get bumpy or twisting but you have to turn the page. It's been a while since I have really seen a character get such a wild swinging arc. Poor Liz might be the first Wyle E Coyote of the literary world. Yet you get this incredible richness with Liz that you begin to really absorb her surroundings and start to see how the dynamics will play out. Among the romance, there is the clever undertone of a crime thriller that really helps you feel that type of pacing at times. In turn that strikes a layer of intrigue and interesting plot twists and more luck, good and bad, for Liz. That is the other thing I appreciated about this book, it never stops pushing you. Just when you think it's crescendoing and finding a soft landing Kantas is not afraid to throw everything out the window and start over. To be able to stay with it that is a sign of investment, that is a sign of great writing.
WHY YOU NEED TO CHAMPION THIS BOOK: I figured out a long time ago, even when I wasn't reading it, that the appeal to a genre like Romance is the escape it creates. If you can get past the far-fetched-ness of some of the events and ideas here and just let it take you away I think you will find it doing just that. I think this story has enough for everyone, allowing those of us who are averse to romance to feel like this is a great book to get over that. Look I will say this is a tough book for anyone hoping for puppy dogs and flowers, it has some really graphic stuff in it but it overlays through incredible context and the story never loses because of it, so just deal with it and give it a chance.
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